Lucas owes Khiraen more than he'd be able to even quantify himself. It's thanks to him he has gone through lives the way he has, grown up good and strong and able for decades. Khiraen raised and trained him and was there through every moment with him. He feels prepared to face anything thanks to Khiraen's guidance and also supported to pursue wants while his life is his own. Sure there are plenty of times he's beyond gotten on Khiraen's nerves but he's always been welcomed and encouraged to be the best version of himself possible.

Best friends since grade school, Jay and Lucas are not very alike once you get to the details of matters but the brotherly love they have for each other is obvious to all. They've been causing mischief as soon as they said their first hello and they wouldn't have it any other way. They help each other be better versions of themselves in ways no one really expects. Jay being a year old never mattered much and they're still as close as can be despite the distance.

It's easy to forget Jeno is the youngest in their group but Lucas does well to remember. They're more kindred spirits than either of them ever said outloud but there was no need for it. Jeno is always there to amuse Lucas' more niche interests and Jeno knows he has Lucas there for him through anything at all. Lucas is so happy to be following the kid to greatness on their New York adventure.

Lucas met Mark through Jeno when he crashed the first dreamies meeting in Disney using brotherly concern as an excuse for a field trip. There's something about Mark's nervous and innocent energy that goes straight to Lucas' heart. The kid is too sweet to be true and Lucas just wants to be there for him, build him up to be a more solid version of himself.

Lucas took a quick liking to Daye from the moment they first met. There's something about seeing such a bright outgoing kid who needs more love in his life that instantly melted Lucas. They have the same mischevious and witty sense of humor that makes it easy to just sync. He feels like yet another little brother to dote upon and try to give his best to.

Renjun came out of nowhere and straight into Jeno's life and by extension the rest of theirs. Lucas is always outstanded by how many polar opposite characteristics can exist in one guy. Then again, the same could be said for them all. Lucas loves seeing all the good he's brought into Jeno's life and loves their love. He tries to dote on him whenever he can - at times if only to tease Jeno.

Jasper is a fellow beast boy extraordinare. They often take some time to train together if they know they're going to hang out for longer than a moment in a day. It's too much fun to push each other's buttons the way they both enjoy doing with others. Lucas has learnt a lot of clever tricks from observing the kid and he'd like to say he's returned the favor.

Lucas doesn't get to see either one of them all that often but when he does it's undoubtedly a good time. Between Quintus' cute weirdness and Jiro's quiet but deadly wit, Lucas is sure to be doubled up laughing and memories he'll take on with him.

It's cliche to think they met at a college party in NoLa - fresh bloods, wide eyed and steering away from the pulsing bundle of bodies on the dance floor. They got to talking over a few beers in hallways, kitchen, and balcony. This lead to texting which lead to dates which lead into trying to see if it could be more. Things always felt a little mellow but Lucas had no problem with slow until three months in, one Wednesday night during final season, Roxanne appeared - an honest mess - with a confession that she was actually gay. It took minimal time to wrap his head around it until it all fell into place and now they're better friends than they were ever lovers.

Matteo was in the same school year as Lucas from an early age. They both pulled off way too many school pranks together, and Matteo was Lucas' sound guy for his whole stint in radio. Matteo was the one who showed Lucas how to develop film and was the president of the photography club. They've spent countless nights playing video games together and making stupid TikToks. There's nothing quite like a childhood friend.
delve into the past ↓

Lucas shared some classes with Laith, whose geokinesis had magical properties he found difficult to grasp. It was Lucas who made the first move, sitting next to him for a group project that brought them together all too quickly. This started late night texts and sneaking around the property to meet for dates to anywhere that was open and nearby. They were together from late sophomore year to mid senior year, when Laith started to get involved in drama Lucas couldn't really keep up. It lead to fights which lead to a realization they had started to become different people.

Ruby attended the same cooking and sewing classes as Lucas throughout middle school. At first they were friends, she would help him when he fumbleded clumsily through certain things that would usually only make him fumble more. Evenetually, his confidence spilled out of him like it would somedays and he asked her out. A few more formal dates turned into hanging out which turned into a relationship that lasted well into freshman year of highschool. It's then they started to grow apart until Ruby ended things, sweetly and warmly but for the best.